lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Save Your Pet With CPR

Performing CPR is a last resort option. However, we need to be prepared. It’s pretty easy to understand how to do it. However in the heat of the moment you need  to already know all the steps of the procedure. Like all SHTF situations, having some proper understanding and training before can be the difference

Source: Save Your Pet With CPR by Randy Smith via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Biometric Gun Safes – Reviews and Our Top Picks

Do you own guns? We don’t want a child or an unknown person having easy access to your guns. Some states even require you by law to store your weapons in a safe place. Regardless if the law requires it or not you owe it to yourself and your family by keeping you weapons in

Source: Biometric Gun Safes – Reviews and Our Top Picks by Randy Smith via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Karambit Knife Self Defense – Neutralize An Attacker With A Karambit

Karambit Knife The karambit knife or simply karambit is a short-bladed weapon that originated in Indonesia. Modeled after the claw of the tiger, it consists of a short curved handle approximately the length of a man’s palm and a curved blade that varies from a few inches to up to six inches long. Practitioners of

Source: Karambit Knife Self Defense – Neutralize An Attacker With A Karambit by Mark Taylor via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Natural Insect Repellents

Pests can make an outdoor experience turn into a negative one quickly, but there is no need to head indoors when the insects are buzzing. While there are commercial insect repellents available, these concoctions often contain ingredients that naturally-minded people do not want to spray on themselves or their family members. Fortunately, there are natural

Source: Natural Insect Repellents by Jacob Mueller via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Lookin’ for a Fight? Head to One of These States on Black Friday

Planning on doing a little Black Friday shopping this year? If you happen to live in Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana or Missouri, you might just be in for more than you bargained for (get it? Black Friday. Bargains. I’ll show myself out in just a moment). Apparently these states are those that you’re most likely

Source: Lookin’ for a Fight? Head to One of These States on Black Friday by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

600,000 Deaths from Weather Last 20 Years

While a large majority of the 600,000 deaths linked to extreme weather have taken place in impoverished areas around the world, you shouldn’t let that rule out wherever you live as the next location where a violent storm strikes. And with things like the Super El Nino beating on California’s doors and the recent state

Source: 600,000 Deaths from Weather Last 20 Years by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

New “Prepper” Themed TV Show Coming Soon?

Have you ever heard of the TV show Gold Rush? I’ve never watched it but apparently it’s main star is about to get a brand new show and… that’s right.. it’s all about survival. Todd Hoffman, the star of Gold Rush, and his family will be the stars of the new “prepper” show called Family

Source: New “Prepper” Themed TV Show Coming Soon? by Derick Love via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence Balks At ACLU Lawsuit Over His Decision To Bar Syrian Refugee Resettlement In Indiana

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Tuesday said he stands by his decision to suspend the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the state, a day after the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against him for the order. The lawsuit, filed Monday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and ACLU national on behalf of

Source: Indiana Governor Mike Pence Balks At ACLU Lawsuit Over His Decision To Bar Syrian Refugee Resettlement In Indiana by Shane Turner via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

The Next Pandemic Could Take Out An Entire Generation

Unnecessary Measures For Promoting Growth And Healthy Live Stock Could Be Putting Our Future Generations At Risk Its become a common practice in the Livestock Industry to feed antibiotics to healthy animals.  This is a preemptive measure that promotes growth and decreases the potential of the spread of disease among the animals.  This sounds like

Source: The Next Pandemic Could Take Out An Entire Generation by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Urban Survival Courses Seeing Rise In Sign-Ups

9/11, 7/7, Boston and of course the two recent and deadly attacks in Paris – it’s starting to feel like we’re not as safe as we think. And apparently a lot of people are feeling exactly that way. Urban survival is a skill that seems more and more like a necessity for all, not just

Source: Urban Survival Courses Seeing Rise In Sign-Ups by Derick Love via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Top 8 Camping Foods You Should Always Have

When people think of camping, and camping foods, individuals end up getting some type of image in their head based on the style that they prefer.  There are those folks who see their family sitting in chairs under their RV awning.  There are those who picture a tent in the middle of the woods.  And

Source: Top 8 Camping Foods You Should Always Have by Christopher Koga via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

How To Make the Swedish Fire Torch

In this video, you’ll learn how to make the “Swedish Fire Torch”, which is perfect for quick cooking. It’s small, well contained, and burns very hot – if you need a quick cooking fire on your next trip, give this one a shot.

Source: How To Make the Swedish Fire Torch by Jacob Mueller via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

5 Lethal Weapons Made in Prison

Everyone knows prison is hard. Combine this with the lack of things to do, some inmates have no choice but to adapt in order to gain the upper hand. Some prisoners got very creative over the years creating even shotguns (yes shotguns!) from the limited tools they have at their disposal or radios.   Like

Source: 5 Lethal Weapons Made in Prison by Randy Smith via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

Idiot Proofing your Preparation

How many “Idiots” are in your survival group? For now, Americans have the right to own guns. This is a major topic for any prepper. And when #SHTF there is no doubt that owning guns lends some peace of mind for personal safety and protection. If you are organizing a community preparedness group that involves

Source: Idiot Proofing your Preparation by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Wildfire Preparedness – How To Survive

Survival means being able to hold your own no matter what the situation. It’s not just about the zombie apocalypse or when SHTF politically. It’s about mother nature taking her frustrations out on the world, too. There have been a ton of wildfires in the United States – by September of this year 8 million

Source: Wildfire Preparedness – How To Survive by Derick Love via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Polar Ice Melt May Not Cause The End Of The World Afterall

For years we’ve been listening to scientists around the world tell us how the melting of the polar ice caps due to global warming would cause a catastrophic rise in ocean levels.  If sea level were to rise only 1 foot, major coastal cities would be flooded and lost.  Low lying island chains would disappear and it would be

Source: Polar Ice Melt May Not Cause The End Of The World Afterall by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

How Each 2016 US Presidential Candidate Would Handle ISIS

ISIS is all over the news and on everyone’s mind. The groups claiming attacks all over the world and many in the US don’t think we’re handling the situation correctly. Everyone’s got a different take on what should be done about one of the most significant terror threats to the world since Al-Qaeda. We’ve got

Source: How Each 2016 US Presidential Candidate Would Handle ISIS by Derick Love via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

5 Easy Camping Recipes For A Great Family Getaway

Camping can be a great experience for both the young and old and one of the best ways to enhance that is through the food you eat while you are out.  With that in mind, I put together this list of 5 easy camping recipes for you to try on your next trip. Keep in mind,

Source: 5 Easy Camping Recipes For A Great Family Getaway by Christopher Koga via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Going away for the holidays? Here’s what you need to keep in mind

Are you planning a trip for Christmas or Thanksgiving, maybe a drive to see friends and family? According to a recent article in CNN “Some 43.6 million Americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles from home for the Thanksgiving holiday“. Some of these will be flying, but still most people choose to drive.

Source: Going away for the holidays? Here’s what you need to keep in mind by Jeffrey Webb via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Maintain The Right Type Of Mindset When Your Survival Depends On It

Survival skills will only get you so far when you are in the outdoors and forced to survive on your own. While having knowledge and skills about how to survive in the wilderness will help, you must also be mentally prepared to succeed. People lost in the wilderness experience feelings of helplessness, fright, and anger

Source: Maintain The Right Type Of Mindset When Your Survival Depends On It by Dewayne Johnson via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Survivalist Verses Prepper: Where Do You Stand On The Controversy?

Today more than ever there are apocalyptic programs on television such as “Walking Dead” and “Doomsday Preppers“. If you’ve begun to consider a serious stand on the matter, you will stand within one of two basic sides: That of the survivalist or prepper. Although there are specific distinctions between the two schools of thought, there

Source: Survivalist Verses Prepper: Where Do You Stand On The Controversy? by Dewayne Johnson via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Washington state governor declares state of emergency after storm kills 3, leaves thousands without power

Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency Wednesday in Washington state after days of rain and a powerful storm Tuesday killed three people, cut power to more than 350,000 residents and flooded rivers. Learn the secret to never worrying how long you’ll be without power when the next storm hits The winds on Tuesday

Source: Washington state governor declares state of emergency after storm kills 3, leaves thousands without power by Mark Taylor via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Super El Nino Bears Down On California

Image from California residents at this point in time should be pretty well versed in the need to prepare for natural disasters. From earthquakes to wildfires to flooding and landslides, The Golden State is no stranger to the potential wrath of Mother Nature. Typically California disasters strike with little early warning time. Be it the

Source: Super El Nino Bears Down On California by Paul Stevens via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

5 Christmas Gifts Any Prepper Will Love

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is only a month away, but with that in mind, it’s time to start shopping for the prepper on your Christmas list.  And to make your holiday shopping just a little easier, we’ve put together our Top 5 Must Buy items for your properly prepared spouse.  If you have

Source: 5 Christmas Gifts Any Prepper Will Love by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Report: 5 Syrians With Stolen Greece Passports Arrested In Honduras En Route To US

So much for that narrative. Social media has exploded recently with arguments for and against bringing in Syrian refugees with less than standard screening methods to expadite their removal from harms way. Sides are split, with many people convinced (rightly so, it seems) that ISIS will be sending operatives inside US borders hidden in these

Source: Report: 5 Syrians With Stolen Greece Passports Arrested In Honduras En Route To US by Paul Stevens via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Suspected architect of Paris attacks is dead

The suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks was killed Wednesday in a massive predawn raid by French police commandos, two senior European intelligence officials said, after investigators followed leads that the fugitive militant was holed up north of the French capital and could be plotting another wave of violence. More than 100 police officers and

Source: Suspected architect of Paris attacks is dead by Mark Taylor via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Is Prepping Going to be Illegal?

The widespread national conversation regarding prepping has been going on for a couple years now – it wasn’t that long ago where only preppers themselves were the only people who knew about this lifestyle. However, as more people understand the risks in our world and that it’s probably not going to take much for the

Source: Is Prepping Going to be Illegal? by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Obama Wants to Push for More Gun Control in 2016

Although he has yet to point out any specific laws he might try to pass, President Obama has noted that he would like gun control to be the dominant issue for him in 2016. You would think that with all the craziness happening in the United States and abroad that he would have much more

Source: Obama Wants to Push for More Gun Control in 2016 by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Going Green this Autumn Doesn’t Have to be a Burden

Though it might seem like any conversations about “going green” means having to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, there are actually a number of things you can do this fall to lessen your impact on the environment while not destroying your standard of living. These include small things like canning fruits and veggies from

Source: Going Green this Autumn Doesn’t Have to be a Burden by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Feeling Secure is not Worth Giving Up Your Privacy

Especially in the wake of terror events like that which happened in Paris late last week, governments around the world take steps to make their citizens feel safer. We can’t allow this to keep happening, though – the NSA is already overreaching into our privacy, let’s not let them get deeper into our lives than

Source: Feeling Secure is not Worth Giving Up Your Privacy by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

What’s The Best Air Rifle?

Using a well-made quality air rifle can be an awesome experience. There is no better time than today to find which air rifle is the best. Models these days are more accurate and powerful than the older models 15 years ago but they do make a bit more noise. Air rifles are great for shooting small pests

Source: What’s The Best Air Rifle? by Randy Smith via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Win An ESEE 6P-B Survival Knife

Just in time for the holidays, ReadyTribe is giving you a chance to win a ESEE Knives 6PB Black Powder Coated Blade Model 6 Plain Edge Fixed Blade Knife with Black Linen Micarta Handles with Black Sheath We’re excited about this giveaway and think you will be too. This knife is a workhorse and will

Source: Win An ESEE 6P-B Survival Knife by Mark Taylor via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

13 Survival Uses for PVC

Like many revolutionary ideas, the invention of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) piping is not without controversy because no fewer than three men claim to be product’s inventor. You can thank all three because each one improved upon the previous iteration. The first father of PVC was German chemist Eugen Baumann, but he failed to get a

Source: 13 Survival Uses for PVC by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

15 Cool Uses for Plastic Buckets

Buckets have been an important part of human history since ancient times. They have helped build everything from sand castles to skyscrapers. They are cheap and easily attainable. It may even be possible to get them for free from restaurants, grocery stores and other places that have an excess supply. When it comes to bucket

Source: 15 Cool Uses for Plastic Buckets by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

EMP Weapons – They might be more real than ever!

In a recent 2015 hearing, “The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness Against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse Event”, Peter Pry warned that this weapon — in the wrong hands — could kill 9 out of 10 Americans “through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.”. We’ve all heard statements such as these before … and

Source: EMP Weapons – They might be more real than ever! by Jeffrey Webb via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Emotion, Not Facts, Guiding Environment Debates

No matter which side of the environmental awareness and climate change debates you might be on the side of, one thing is pretty much guaranteed: You are very likely more driven by emotion than facts. Even when we hear things like the fact that there’re way more trees on earth than were once expected, both

Source: Emotion, Not Facts, Guiding Environment Debates by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

These 5 Outdoor Survival Missteps Could Leave You Dead

As outdoor survivalists, we are used to an inherent sense of danger simply based on what the hobby (or lifestyle, depending on your level of commitment) is. However, there are a few things that could leave you in far more danger than you need to be in, and they are completely preventable with just a

Source: These 5 Outdoor Survival Missteps Could Leave You Dead by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Teach Firearms and Outdoor Survival in Minnesota

If you live in Minnesota and have more than a general interest in firearms, safety and outdoor survival methods, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Enforcement Volunteer Instructor Team could really use your expertise. As the courses you would teach are free of charge to the public, there’s no pay involved in signing

Source: Teach Firearms and Outdoor Survival in Minnesota by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Beef Jerky Recipe

A prepper comes from a need to survive. A prepper is someone who thinks that a disaster or catastrophic emergency may occur in a moments notice. Additionally, it may occur at some point during his or her lifetime. In response to this belief preppers make active preparations for the unknown. And how do they do it? By

Source: Beef Jerky Recipe by Gregg Hammon via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

The 101 on Hydration Packs – My Review of CamelBak

In this article we will look at how you can choose the best hydration pack (many people call these Camelbak, regardless of the brand). Many people don’t see the need for a hydration pack — a regular backpack and a water bottle has been cutting it for years, so why fix it if it ain’t

Source: The 101 on Hydration Packs – My Review of CamelBak by Jeffrey Webb via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Cold Weather Camping Tips

While some winter campers drive to cabins equipped with all the comforts of home, others haul their gear on snowmobiles or backpack into the wilderness. The snow offers a peaceful beauty of a pristine winter wonderland free from crowds. You can experience the serene countryside as the snow glistens in the moonlight. Whether you plan to take a day trip or an extended excursion into the backcountry during your expedition, you must be prepared for the cold weather. The trip will be rewarding and safe with some advance planning and the right equipment.

Pre-trip Planning

Because winter camping trips feature different challenges than those occurring during warm weather, you need to be prepared for shorter days and extreme weather conditions. Before you leave, you need to have a plan and let someone know where you will be and when you will return. Study the maps of the area, plan your routes and check the weather forecast. Ensure that you know how and where to contact emergency services in the event that you need assistance. Verify that you have packed all required winter clothing and camping equipment.

Dress Properly

A basic rule of winter camping is to stay warm and dry in order to prevent serious cold weather health issues, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Depending upon the conditions, you must also cover exposed skin as well as your head and neck to prevent heat loss. The best technique is to dress in layers. This will enable you to add or remove clothing as necessary to maintain a comfortable body temperature even when you stop moving. When you take a break, add a layer of clothing. It is better to conserve warmth than to have your body use its vital reserves to warm up again. Avoid cotton clothing. The fabric is difficult to dry when it gets wet. Dark colors are preferable because they absorb the sun’s warmth.

  • The base layer should consist of polyester or merino wool thermal underwear. These fabrics wick perspiration away from your skin so that it can evaporate. They also dry quickly.
  • The insulating middle layer is primarily designed to retain body heat. Consider micro-fleece pants as well as lightweight fleece or down-filled jackets.
  • The outer layer should be waterproof or water-resistant as well as fire-resistant. This will help prevent stray embers from the campfire landing on your clothes and igniting them. Wool is an excellent natural material. Other weatherproof materials include Gore-Tex, eVent or less expensive polyurethane-coated fabrics. Select clothes with core vents and underarm vents for better release of excess heat and moisture.
  • Boots should be waterproof or water-repellent and suitable for the expected environmental conditions. Wear wool or wicking polyester footwear. If your boots have removal liners, keep them warm and dry by placing them in the foot of your sleeping bag. Before putting them in the bottom of a sleeping bag, wrap single layer boots in a waterproof material.
  • Hats, scarves and gloves will prevent heat loss and protect your extremities. Pack polyester glove liners and gloves or mittens as well as small chemical heat pads if case you need extra warmth. You need a backup hat and an extra pair of gloves in the event that the original gear becomes wet. Protect your face with sunglasses and sunscreen.

Cold Weather Equipment

In addition to dressing properly, the right equipment will make the trip more enjoyable. It will protect you from the elements and provide a reasonably good night sleep.

The shelter should be an insulated four-season tent with a solid fabric enclosure that can withstand strong winds and snow. A double-walled design provides additional insulation. A small tent has less empty air space and is easier to heat. Use a ground cloth to prevent moisture from wicking up into the tent. In addition to providing warmth, a candle lantern can help reduce condensation. Hang the candle properly so that it is not a fire hazard.

Your sleeping bag should be rated for at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit lower than what you expect to experience at night – check out the Coleman North Rim 0 Degree Sleeping Bag if you’re going into very cold temperatures. If you get too warm, you can always vent the bag. Add a bag liner to improve the sleeping bag’s temperature rating if your current bag is not sufficient. Pack a closed cell-foam sleeping pad that is at least 1-inch thick. Pads are rated with an R-value from 1 to 8. The level of insulation increases with the number. Change out of damp clothing that you wore during the day so that you are warm inside the sleeping bag. In the morning, turn the bag inside out and drape it across the tent to allow it to air dry.

Use new lithium batteries in your headlamps, flashlights, communication equipment and emergency devices. Lithium batteries perform better in colder temperatures than NiMh and alkaline batteries. They last longer and have a flat decay curve.

Choose the Right Campsite

Make sure that there is enough daylight left when you stop for the day. The location should be sheltered from the wind, have a source of water nearby and be free from possible avalanches and falling trees. Landmarks will help you find the campsite in the dark. Determine where the sun will rise. A sunny spot will help you to warm up quicker and dry your gear faster. Start a fire before laying out your gear. You can use waterproof matches or a lighter to ignite dryer lint. Another option is to use a magnesium fire starter and natural kindling. If there is snow on the ground, pack it down before setting up the tent. This will reveal and help you avoid hidden objects like sharp rocks and sticks, which can damage the floor of the tent.

Food and Cooking Tips

tokas-mugHiking, skiing or snowshoeing burns a tremendous amount of calories. Eat a variety of proteins, fats and carbohydrates before, during and after your activities to help your body recover. Proteins build muscle and body tissue. While carbohydrates provide short-term energy, fats offer long-term energy. During activities, consume prepared energy bars and drinks. When you make camp, consider one-pot meals that are quick to prepare. Freeze-dried entrees only need hot water. Remember to bag your trash and carry it out. There is no guarantee that the snow is sterile, so boil it before drinking or cooking (I recomend the Tokas mug shown at the left). Leave water filters at home. Chemical filters take a long time to function in the cold and mechanical filters may crack and fail. A sheltered spot provides the best conditions for cooking. If possible, dig a trench 3 feet deep to protect the cooking area from the wind. Avoid alcohol and caffeine because they promote heat loss.

Hygiene Tips

Because of the need to stay hydrated, you may have to urinate frequently. Rather than completely disrobe or undo a sleeping bag, consider using a well-marked bottle for urination. Ensure that it has a different color, label and material than your water bottles. A distinctive texture will make it readily identifiable at the night. If the ground is too hard for catholes, you can also burn your waste and toilet paper. Another option is to haul it out using sanitary kits that include a bag neutralizer.

While most people prefer warmer weather, cold weather camping can also be an enjoyable activity as there are fewer insects. It may also offer more solitude. With some advance planning, you will have the right gear to stay safe, warm and dry.

Source: Cold Weather Camping Tips by Jacob Mueller via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Fun Physical Activities Also Help to Prep the Whole Family

While recreational activities might not seem to have as much utility as knowing how to make a stove out of a can, they will end up having a beneficial impact to your family’s survivability in all kinds of situations.

Things you can do with the family to build endurance and agility include taking walks, going hiking, playing basketball and bicycling. For hand-eye coordination and speed, all manner of racket sports (i.e. tennis, badminton, racquetball, etc) offer great exercise and the whole family can participate. When it comes to building strength, you’re not going to find anything better than simply lifting weights, though talking the whole family into doing curls and bench presses might be a tough sell.


This article discusses many different recreational activities and why these recreational activities would help prepper families to be better prepared for possible emergencies in the future. Because there are so many suggested activities, preppers can use trial and error to find those activities that their family members like.

Walking is an activity that some or all of the family members might want to do either alone or together. From walking in city parks, this activity could lead to country hiking. All of these activities will improve the aerobic endurance and stamina of family members. Short walks even are appropriate for most seniors. Continue Reading this Article

Source: Fun Physical Activities Also Help to Prep the Whole Family by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

10 Survival Things You Can Make With Duct Tape

1. Butterfly Strips

If you have a small laceration that you can’t close with a normal band-aid, cut a few small strips of duct tape and use them to pull across the wound to help keep it closed.  Apply a small strip down the center and you have a nice butterfly bandage.


2. A Bad Ass Spear

Tape your survival knife to a branch or limb so you can throw it at animals, fish or zombies.

duct tape spear

img source:

3. Handcuffs

You never know when you might need to detain a prisoner in the woods.  Duct tape can make for a great set of improvised handcuffs if you’re ever in a pinch.

duct tape handcuffs

img source:

4. Repair Your Shoes or Boots

If you ever get a hole in your shoes or hiking boots while out in the wilderness, you’ll need to get it fixed up fast to keep water and debris from getting to your feet.  Wrap duct tape around the damaged area several times and you’re good to go.

duct tape boot repair

image source:

5.  Splint A Broken Leg

You can easily immobilize a broken or sprained appendage by using rigid splint materials such as straight branches, a 2×4 plus some padding and, you guessed it, duct tape.

duct tape splint


6 . Prevent Windows From Shattering During Storms

You may not have a set of storm shutters to save your windows in a nasty storm, but you can place duct tape on the glass to prevent it from shattering.  This will keep the occupants safe from flying shards of glass.

duct tape on windows


7.  Reseal Food Containers

If your food storage containers are damaged or need to be sealed, apply duct tape to close them up and keep weather & critters out and your food fresh.

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8.  Sling Shot

Find a suitable piece of wood and elastic band.  Duct tape the band to the wood.  Find some rocks and you’re ready to kill small varmints or defend yourself if necessary.

duct tape sling shot


9.  Makeshift Tourniquet

A tourniquet is essential to stop massive bleeding.  Make several wraps about 3-4 inches above the laceration to stop the hemorrhaging.

duct tape tourniquet


10. Fix A Leaky Tent

If you’re serious about camping, your tent is going to take a beating, no matter how good the quality.  Fix those holes and leaks with some duct tape patches and you’re back in the game and staying dry.   You can also repair a leaking tarp shelter with duct tape.

duct tape on tent


Tip:  There’s a lot of crappy brands of duct tape out there.  When your life is on the line, make sure you have the best.  This is the only duct tape I will ever use. 


Source: 10 Survival Things You Can Make With Duct Tape by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

How & When To Use A Tourniquet

No one wants to deal with an injury. However, injuries do happen, and it is important for everyone to know what to do if you or a your loved one gets injured, especially something as serious as a deep laceration.  A person who is suffering from massive bleeding can quickly go into shock and die. When pressure points and bandages fail to control bleeding, there is another option available to you.

The Tourniquet

Dr. David Johnson is an ER physician. and writes for the Wilderness Medical Association. Last year, he discussed some of the misconceptions about the tourniquet and dispelled myths. He has stated that it is relatively rare for a death to occur as the result of a carefully applied tourniquet. Dr. Johnson has also stated that tourniquets can save lives, so it is important for people to know how and when to apply one. They also need to know where to apply the tourniquet and how long it should be applied.

How You Can Improvise

There are a variety of first aid products that you can buy that will help someone who has severe bleeding. It is a good idea to keep your first aid kit stocked with these supplies. If you do not have one of these products, or they are not working well for you, then there are options. Here is how you can improvise and make your own tourniquet:

  1. A piece of clothing might be your best option, providing it can be wrapped around an extremity and tightened. A belt or shirt can be used.
  2. The material you use needs to be long enough so that it can wrap every appendage several times.
  3. The next step is to fold in a two-inch band. Keep the material flat and smooth in order to prevent it from pinching your skin.
  4. You will need to tighten the tourniquet with a ridged stick. This will prevent the tourniquet from breaking or loosening.

How To Use The Materials

Both you and the person who is injured are most likely panicking. Stay calm and focused so you can properly apply the tourniquet.

  1. The best place to apply the tourniquet is three or four fingers above the injury.
  2. You will need to pad the site. If possible, you should keep clothing over the site. Try to keep the tourniquet as smooth as possible.
  3. Create a half knot and place a stick over it. Complete the other half.
  4. Turn the stick and increase the pressure until the bright red bleeding has stopped. The blood may still ooze, but it is controlled. Do not over-tighten it.
  5. Take the rest of the material and knot the stick down the appendage so that it cannot be unwound, but it can be released if needed.
  6. Put a T on the person’s forehead if possible.
how to apply a tourniquet


Problems Associated With Tourniquets

Tourniquets can save a life. However, they are not perfect. A tourniquet can cause the following complications:

  • Muscle and skin tissue damage
  • Appendage loss
  • Damage to the nervous tissue

How Will I Know When To Remove The Tourniquet?

One hour after applying the tourniquet, you should ask the following questions.

  • Is the person still bleeding?
  • Is the person in shock?
  • Will we be able to get professional help within an hour?

The tourniquet can be released if the answer to aforementioned questions is no. This will need to be done slowly. Here is what you need to look for:

  • Did the person start bleeding again?
  • Is the person showing symptoms of shock?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then you can tighten the tourniquet back up.

A tourniquet can control bleeding that can potentially be deadly. The thighs and upper thighs are the ideal places to apply a tourniquet. The tourniquet should be applied two to four inches above the injury site.  Hopefully you will never have to use this guide, but if you remember these easy tips, you might just save a persons life.

Featured image source:

Source: How & When To Use A Tourniquet by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Growing Your Own Penicillin is Actually Pretty Easy

When preparing for some worldwide catastrophe, antibiotics are an incredibly important item to have around. Problem is, though, that antibiotics have a fairly short shelf life when compared to most other pill medications and can potentially become toxic. Likewise, if you end up needing an antibiotic and take one that stopped having active compounds, whatever infection you’re trying to fight will just end up taking over.

Thankfully, making your own penicillin is actually really easy as discussed over at, and using this method could literally mean the difference between life and death in a situation where doctors and medication are inaccessible. It might be pretty nasty taking the penicillin, but compared to the alternative, surviving really seems worth the terrible flavor.


From AnonHQ:

It is time for a thought experiment. You are living in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, in a dash your partner has deeply slashed their leg. As you take shelter the next few days, your partner begins to develop a noticeable infection. Keeping in mind that in real world cases infections can result in serious medical concerns, cause the loss of a limb or end with death if left untreated. Without access to modern medical supplies, would you know what to do to help your partner? Here is one cheap, easy way to potentially save your partner from these fates.

  • Take bread and place it in a bag or container
  • Let sit until spores begin to form
  • Take all the bread and break it up into smaller pieces
  • Add some moisture (light misting) and place the broken up pieces back in the same sealed bag or container
  • Monitor the mold growth and do not remove until the majority of the mold culture begins to turn decidedly green.


Image via Wikimedia Commons

Source: Growing Your Own Penicillin is Actually Pretty Easy by Rick Sunderland via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

20 Gun Safety Tips You Should Know

The right to bear arms is a big responsibility for those who choose to exercise it. Guns are deadly weapons and are designed to cause serious physical injury or to kill. Just one bullet could have tragic repercussions if it hits a human being.

According to statistics, the risk of injury or death involving a gun increases when it is kept at home. However, many people keep guns at home for the purpose of defending themselves against potential armed intruders. Despite this, people can avoid injuries and fatalities at home if they follow firearm safety rules. Additionally, many people say that hunting and target shooting are safe sports, and they are when the participants take safety precautions.

Whether a gun owner or user is a novice or professional, an accident could occur if the individual is not serious about practicing proper safety techniques. Carefully practice the following gun safety tips to avoid hurting someone that you are trying to protect, harming yourself or causing damage to your or others people’s property.

1. Know How to Operate Your Gun

Read the manual that comes with your gun. You must understand how to safely open and close the action of the gun and how to safely remove ammunition from it and the magazine.

gun operation and maintenance


2. Secure Your Gun, and Store It in a Safe Place

One of the biggest responsibilities of owning a gun is ensuring that it is safe and secure. This is a full-time task because you have to make sure that it is out of reach of children or other unauthorized users and that it is separated from its ammunition. If you fail to achieve this, the results could involve serious injury or death to someone you care about.  We have a great article about concealed gun storage safes that you should definitely check out.

gun safe with ammunition

3. Use Trigger Locks

Trigger locks are essential to keeping children from accidentally loading and firing your weapon accidentally. For combination trigger locks, use a number sequence that only you will know.  For key locked trigger locks, always keep the key stored in a location away from the weapon.

handgun trigger lock

4. Keep Your Gun Away From Children

If you keep a gun in your home, make sure that you unload and lock it away so that children cannot handle it. Additionally, keep the ammunition for it in a separate container and area of the home. Even with these precautions, however, it is safer to not keep a gun in your home.

5. Teach Everyone in Your Home About Gun Safety

Firearms are not toys, so you should strongly convey to everyone in your home, including children, how dangerous guns are both inside and outside of your home. Additionally, provide reinforcement training regularly.

gun education & training

6. Never Give a Gun to Someone Who Does Not Know and Follow the Rules

When you give a gun to someone, it becomes that individual’s responsibility to practice proper safety techniques. However, if the individual does not understand and follow the rules, you may have to live with a nagging conscience if an accident occurs.

7. Do Not Keep Your Gun Loaded When It Is Not Being Used

It is important to keep your gun at the minimum level of readiness when you are not using it. Unless you are expecting trouble, you should not keep a loaded gun in your house. To show other shooters that your gun is safe when you are target shooting, keep the action open until you are prepared to shoot. Unless you are hunting a certain type of game that requires your gun to be ready at all times, keep your gun unloaded, including the firing chamber, until you need to load it. Also, leave the action open until you are ready to shoot.

unloaded pistol & revolver

8. Avoid Threats

When you have your gun with you, do not take any actions that you would not normally take when you are unarmed, such as investigating a noise outside of your home, telling a drunk neighbor to be quiet or trying to prevent a robbery. Rather than carry a firearm into a potential conflict, call the proper authorities, and avoid the situation. Although this is a common-sense tip, many people let their pride get in the way. Do not be that type of person.

burglar outside home

9. Do Not Carry a Gun While You Are Emotional

Carrying a gun while you are in an emotional state could spell disaster. Emotions such as depression and anger impair your judgment, and you may do something that you regret or cause harm to yourself.

10. Do Not Combine Gun Use With Alcohol or Drug Use

Research has proven that alcohol and other substances impair your normal physical and mental functions. It is vital that you avoid drinking alcohol or taking drugs before you handle a gun and while you are using a gun.

11. Wear Ear and Eye Protection

Every time you handle your firearm, you should wear eye and ear protection that is specified for use with guns. This includes when you are maintaining, cleaning and shooting your firearm. Additionally, anyone else in the vicinity of your gunshots should wear ear and eye protectors.

remington ear & eye protection

12. Check for Barrel Obstructions

Since bore obstructions are a primary cause for gun explosions, you need to check for them if you suspect that there is a blockage.

clean gun barrel

13. Do Not Load or Unload a Firearm in a Building or Vehicle

When you are in a building or vehicle, there is often no safe direction to point the muzzle. The only time that it is safe for you to load your gun in a building is if the structure is a properly built indoor range.

14. Only Use the Right Ammunition for Your Firearm

There is specific ammunition made for every gun to ensure safe shooting. BBs, cartridges, pellets and shells are designed for certain firearms and should only be used with those firearms. The ammunition that your gun uses is likely stamped on the barrel. You can identify ammunition types by reading the box that they come in or possibly by reading the cartridges themselves. Do not fire your gun unless you are sure that it contains the proper ammunition.

15. Always Point the Muzzle in a Safe Direction

This is a fundamental gun safety rule, but if every gun owner followed it, there would be almost no gun accidents. Unless you intend to shoot it, do not point your gun at it. This tip is especially important when you load and unload your gun. In case it accidentally fires, pointing the muzzle in a safe direction prevents someone from getting hurt.

The meaning of “safe direction” is a direction in which a bullet cannot hit someone. This involves taking ricochets into account as well as the fact that bullets can go through ceilings and walls. Sometimes the safe direction is up, and other times it is down. Make a habit out of knowing the direction that your gun is pointing in, even in case you fall or trip.

woman pointing gun downrange

16. Do Not Point Your Gun at Something You Do Not Intend to Destroy

Train yourself to only point your gun in a direction that will safely stop the bullet from an accidental discharge. At an event with the Armed Defense Training Association, you are educated on keeping your gun holstered with the muzzle down, locked open and pointing down, or cased unless you are firing it.

The ADTA also educates gun users to only point their guns downrange and at the bullet trap backstop. When you are handling or cleaning and unloaded a firearm at home, the ADTA instructs you to point the muzzle in a safe direction to begin with. Some optimal targets to point at in case of an accidental discharge include a full freezer, a 5-gallon bucket of sand or masonry.

17. Keep Your Finger Off of the Trigger Until You Are Ready to Fire

When you are holding your firearm, rest your finger along the side or on the trigger guard. Do not touch the trigger until you are prepared to shoot. This is a good infographic from which illustrates exactly how to be safe with a firearm.  If you follow these rules, you can have a safe, enjoyable experience with your weapons.

18. Do Not Shoot at Hard Surfaces or Bodies of Water

Hard surfaces such as hard woods, metal and rocks have a tendency to allow bullets to glance off or ricochet in an unintended direction. Although water is not a hard surface, its density can make bullets ricochet like hard surfaces do, which makes water pretty dangerous. A ricocheting bullet could strike another person or even the shooter. If it hits another person, the shooter could be punished under criminal law for the injury or death even though the shot was unintended.

19. Do Not Shoot What You Cannot See

Numerous fatalities occur every year because people fire their guns when they see or hear something move. This is no excuse to shoot a gun because you cannot take it back. Shooting at movements or noises without knowing what you are firing at is the same as having no regard for other people’s safety.

You have no control over where the bullet goes or what it hits after you pull the trigger, so do not fire unless you know precisely what you are shooting at. Also, make sure that your bullet will not hit something or someone that lies beyond your target. Even a 22 short bullet can travel farther than 2.75 miles, and high velocity cartridges like a 30-06 can travel farther than 3 miles. Additionally, shotgun pellets can travel about 0.3 miles, and shotgun slugs can travel beyond 0.5 miles.

Your target is not more important than taking the time to know for certain what your target is, what lies beyond it and where your bullet will stop. If your bullet misses your target or ricochets, you should be certain that it will not cause harm to others.

bullet holes in door

20. Do Not Fire a Gun to Celebrate a Holiday or Special Occasion

Although many people fire their guns to celebrate New Year’s Eve, the Fourth of July or weddings, this is not only dangerous but also illegal. When a bullet is fired into the air, it will fall back to the ground, potentially causing injury or death to whoever is in its path.

shooting guns in air

Source: 20 Gun Safety Tips You Should Know by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

20 Ways To Secure Your Home & Keep Your Family Safe

Feeling safe, comfortable and secure in your home is something you can’t put a price tag on. Thanks to some great new home security technology and a few simple home modifications, you can keep your mind at ease when when both home and away. We, as humans, instinctively want to keep our homes and loved ones protected — regardless of the cost. Nobody likes to feel violated, and that’s exactly how most people feel once their home is broken into. If you’ve ever had valuable or sentimental items stolen from you that can never be replaced, you know how much grief it can cause.

I decided to write on this topic because in my area, home burglaries are on the rise. I live in a community where many people still don’t find it necessary to lock their doors. I live in a neighborhood where people are very trusting, and trustworthy as well. Yet, break-ins still seem to happen. I realize that this isn’t just my local problem. In hard economic times, people in all neighborhoods can expect to see property crimes rise. I am sad that the world has come to this, however I realized that I do need to take an inventory of my home security and crime prevention measures so that I can make sure my family and all my valuables and precious, sentimental items are heavily secured. In doing this, I came up with a comprehensive list of the top 20 home security and crime prevention tips.

There’s a bunch of things that you can do to make your home more uninviting to criminals. In reality, the more difficult it is to break into your property, the less likely it is that burglars will want to break in. Shady criminals tend to look for easy targets.

1. Keep your doors secure and guarded with multiple locks.

A lot of people think that having one lock on their front door is all that they need. But the sad truth is that locks can be picked, and doors can be kicked in. The more locking mechanisms you secure on your door, the more frustrating it is for intruders to break in. Deadbolts make it more difficult to kick in a door. Even installing two deadbolts wouldn’t be a bad idea.

multiple locks


2. Secure your door frame.

Keep in mind that locks are only as good as the strength of your door frame. If you’ve ever seen police or rescue crews break down a door on television, you might be wondering how easily they have done that. The truth is, any strong person can usually bust open a door simply by forcefully ramming it with their shoulder. No matter how many locks you have installed on your door, it’s not going to matter if your interior door frame is flimsy and can easily be broken down. High quality metal frames are usually very difficult to break, so investing in one is a smart idea.

door reinforcement


3. Keep your keys with you.

I once lived across the street from an elderly old man. My entire family, 6 members, knew that he kept his house key under a mat on the front step. He did not tell us that was where he kept his house key, but all of us, at one point or another, had just happened to see him put it there when he left the house or or dig for it when he got back. Do you think he knew that our entire family knew he kept his house key right outside the door? And, were we the only family on the street that ever saw him openly hide his house key under the front mat? You never know who is watching you. Leaving your key under mats, flowerpots, on top of door frames or even in those magnetic key holders that sit under your cars frame are a disaster waiting to happen. Burglars know that these are common places that homeowners leave their keys, and they often look in these places when they’re looking for a spare. If you really must leave your key outside of your home or away from you, you can keep your spare key secure in a coded key vault that is similar to the ones real estate agents use. Alternatively, invest in one of those keypad locks where you enter your code to be able to unlock the door if your home. That way if you lose your key, you can still get in by typing in the code.  I installed the Morning Industry BHF-01SN handle set on my front door.  I love it because it’s secure, easy to use and doesn’t look like a commercial locking system.

coded front door key


4. Don’t display vital information on your keys.

Some people feel that it’s a clever idea to write their name, address or phone number on their keys so that if lost, the finder can contact the owner of the keys who can successfully retrieve them. Bad idea. When you display your name, address or phone number on your keys, you are taking a huge risk. Your keys could end up in the wrong hands and a person can easily find out where you live, making your home a prime target — now that they have a simple way to get inside.

5. Keep your property well lit.

Burglars love creeping around in the dark because they think nobody will be able to identify or see them. When you keep your property well lit, you are warding off some thieves from attempting a break-in. They’re more likely to try breaking into areas that are kept dark so that they can’t be noticed or identified as easily. Investing in inexpensive solar lighting, porch lights and motion censored lights are a must. To save money on electricity, you can purchase energy saving bulbs. You should also consider investing in a timer for your lights to turn on from dusk til dawn — that way you won’t forget to turn them on or off.

well lit home


6. Install an alarm system.

I have known people to simply put the ADT security sign on their front lawn or right on their windows or doors. This is an excellent idea because you’re telling the world that you have an alarm system. Wireless motion sensors can be installed on windows or doors which will frighten and annoy intruders who are trying to sneak in. Alarm systems are great because they are extremely loud, they generally alert the neighborhood so people can keep watch of who is running away from your property. Some alarm systems are even equipped to call the alarm system and police for help. There are also lots of great wireless security camera options which can be run to your tablet or cell phone.  This gives you round the clock surveillance of what’s going on with your property.

home alarm system

7. Add additional internal locks.

In the case that a burglar still happens to make it through your heavily guarded exterior security measures, make it difficult for them to get into your storage areas. This can easily be done by installing a simple lock on any area that you wish to protect. Things like passports, birth certificates, cash, sentimental items, or just basically any little storage areas that you have that you would like to keep secured in the event of a break in.

8. Avoid piling up mail.

When somebody’s mail piles up, it’s quite obvious that they aren’t home to collect it. This makes it quite inviting for a thief to either go through your mail or to assume that you’re not home, allowing them adequate time to break in. PO Boxes are cheap and a wise investment if you are planning on traveling or not collecting your mail for a while. Alternatively, you can have a friend or family member collect your mail for you — or simply stop delivery while you were gone.


9. Keep your yard clean.

Just like an overflowing mailbox, yards that are unkempt can lead to people thinking that you are not home to mow the lawn, pull weeds, etc. Also, yards that are hidden with shrubs, big trees, lots of piled up junk gives ample hiding places for criminals to hide in and watch for when you leave.

messy yard

10. Don’t trust unexpected strangers at your door.

If you are not expecting a delivery, an officer of the law, or any other stranger – you need to remain alert. Always ask for identification before opening the door for anybody. If you’re in doubt, do not open the door. If the stranger claims to be a police officer, ask for a badge number or identification and call it in. Police officers will always appreciate the fact that you are trying to stay safe. Uniform alone is not good enough to prove that someone is a police officer. Uniforms of all kinds can easily be purchased at party stores or online. Fake IDs can also be created seamlessly on a computer. It’s always best to just avoid opening the door if you’re not expecting the visitor. If it was really important, they will try again later or call you to announce themselves.

stranger knocking on door


11. Notify your local police when going away.

In smaller cities or rural communities, this is always an option. Police can sometimes keep a watchful eye on your property to make sure that nothing suspicious is going on.

12. Install locks on your gates.

If you have a gated yard, adding a lock means that you’ll no longer have to worry about random strangers showing up at your door, it creates a buffer zone. You’ll also be able to remain on high alert if somebody shows up, giving you ample time to figure out who they are and why they are there.

locked gate

13. Get to know your neighbors.

Neighbors and members of your community who know you by name and face are the ones who will be able to watch out for you. I used to be quite antisocial. When my apartment was broken into, none of the neighbors seemed to notice any unusual activity, or care that I was victimized. I have since moved into a condo and occasionally talk to the neighbors across from me. I have noticed a huge difference. When I was away at work a couple times, I had workers showing up to give quotes on painting and other handyman services. My neighbors would usually let them know that I wasn’t available but that they would let me know that they came by. It was really reassuring to know that my neighbors were watching my property while I was away, and cared enough to let me know that people had shown up. If you are antisocial or don’t like your neighbors, it’s not imperative that you have to be best friends with them – however saying hi on occasion or getting involved in community activities allows them to get to know you.  Setting up a Neighborhood Watch program is another great way to help your area safe.

14. Dogs – natures security systems.

Dogs can make spectacular security systems. My tiny 5 pound Chihuahua causes a huge racket if he hears a stranger walking anywhere on my property at night. Although a dog of this size probably won’t scare away and intruder that’s already inside your house, they can be a huge annoyance which might make the burglar flea and try and easier target. Larger dogs can also be trained to attack intruders, and will usually instinctively growl at and intimidate them.

guard dogs sign

15. Make creeping around a painful experience with inhospitable plants.

Some of the most beautiful plants can be inhospitable for strangers trying to break in. Thorny bushes and other plants like the BlackBerry vines, raspberry bushes, rugosa rosebushes or bougainvillea make creeping around yards, climbing fences and sneaking around outside windows a nuisance — and even quite painful.

thorny landscaping

16. Hire a property manager.

Property managers can be hired when you are away on vacation or for an extended period of time. Having someone around to mow the lawn, collect the mail or newspaper and simply look after the place can make your home look lived in so that potential robbers don’t think your place is an easy target.

17. Secure sliding doors.

When I lived in my apartment, I hardly had any security features. And because it was an apartment that I rented, I wasn’t even allowed to install anything on windows or doors. Because of this, the best I could do was to put a strong piece of metal or wood in the frames of all sliding glass doors and windows. This was very effective as you cannot slide the door when there’s a strong piece of material blocking it from sliding.  I also like this security bar from Masterlock.  It’s great for sliders, but you can also prop it under a door knob on a regular door, to stop an intruder from pushing a door inward.

locked sliding doors

18. Invest in decorative metal grids.

It can be fairly easy for an intruder to smash a window on a door, allowing them to seamlessly slip their hand through the shattered glass, unlock the door and let themselves in. Adding some metal grid work to the insides of doors with large windows makes this feat a little more difficult.

19. Set up a secure hiding spot.

In a worst case scenario where are your security features have failed you, it’s always important to at least have one area in your home that you can secure yourself in until help arrives. This can easily be done by reinforcing a bedroom door that has a good quality metal frame. You can also replace the flimsy interior door with an exterior one. Ensure that you have a phone or computer in that room so you can have a way to communicate for help while trapped inside the room. A mechanism for self defense is also helpful such as pepper spray, a fire arm, a baseball bat or anything that will help you protect yourself from a possible attack.  You could even consider setting up a walk in closet as a secure panic room with reinforced doors and hinges.  This is also a great place to secure any firearms you may keep in the house, or make sure your firearm safe is in this location as well.  There’s a great book I recommend called The Secure Home which can show you how to build a multi-purpose safe room in your house as well as implement many other kinds of personal security measures.

closet panic room


20. Keep you mouth shut.

I know, I have been going on anon about all the safety mechanisms that I’ve put in place to keep my home secure when in fact, this is one of the worst things you can do. One should never discuss your security efforts, what do you have installed, where you’re storing valuable items, etc. Staying silent is something that could prevent a break-in. If people don’t know you have it, they won’t know that they want it — or can try to acquire it.

shut your dirty mouth

One Final Piece of Advice

As a bonus step in securing your home, one of the best pieces of advice that I can pass on to you is to think like a burglar. Try pretending you are a burglar while walking around your place. Look at all the points of entry. Are they secure? Could you get inside if you had lost your keys? Does your home look like a thief’s paradise by showcasing your big screen TV and Xbox system right in front of large windows? Do you have ample places to sneak around in the dark with lots of bushes and trees to hide behind? Simply practicing crime prevention by following these tips and adding security features to your home means you are on the right track to safeguarding your family, your possessions and doing your best to keep your mind at rest.

Source: 20 Ways To Secure Your Home & Keep Your Family Safe by Roger Steele via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.